Hi again... I've spent the past few days in a pretty little town called Dungarvan on the western end of Co. Waterford's south coast. I was lucky here because the caravan site is only 20 mins cycle out of town, which meant that I could leave the van and explore by bike... also makes nights out a bit easier.
This photo is taken from the harbour in Dungarvan, the caravan park is across the bay on a headland, a bit further to the right than you can see.
Dungarvan Harbour
Looking Inland from Dungarvan (Monavullagh Mountains)
On the first night here I made another one of the camping recipes, fajitas this time, these were really good... I had to make them the night after too because I couldn't find another recipe that involved the left over fajita wraps, chicken, cheese, sour cream & veg.
That night I went in search of a music session, but being Saturday night I didn't have much luck... instead I ended up listening to a couple of Irish folk singers... I got chatting to them at the end of the night and they suggested a few places to try in town during the week to catch a session, and also invited me to their session in Waterford City on Thursday night... will have to see if I am still around here by then.
The Caravan Site
The caravan site was much more commercial than the one in Wexford... Here they charge twice the price, plus lots of extras for things like showers and electricity... it is in a really nice location and probably really popular in the summer, I wouldn't say it was worth the money though.
Views while cycling into town to find some music
On the Sunday night I went out on the recommendation of the folk singers the night before to a pub called 'The Local' where I joined in with a small session. I'm still having big problems with the Irish accent, but I don't really think it matters because from what I can work out they can't understand each other either... or perhaps that's just the effect of Guinness.
Today (Monday) I thought I'd head inland and do some mountain walking . I ended up at the Commeragh Mountains about 40km drive from Dungarvan. The scenery was spectacular, very much like North Wales but with gorse bushes dotted around the place.
I walked up a mountain called Knockanaffrin... it was only about 3hrs to the summit, but half way up the snow started coming down pretty heavy and the wind picked up which meant I couldn't really see where I was going for a while.
A Snow Dusted Ridge
The snow on it's way towards me!
Getting Closer
The beginning of the snow.
The Top!
As usual there were lots of sheep on this mountainside, mostly so scared that they run away before you get anywhere near them... but this one was an evil sheep... it blocked the path and then chased me off it!... it then went ahead of me to try and block me off again, as if it was herding me! I think it's revenge of the billy goats gruff! - This hasn't helped the fact that I'm already permanently scarred from being repeatedly bullied by a sheep on a family holiday in the peak district when I was about 4!
Look at it's evil eyes
Anyway, after a day in the mountains I decided to cook up another recipe from the cookbook... 'Mermaid Omelette'.
Tomorrow I will be moving on from here... it's either back to the east a little, towards Waterford City to meet up with the folk singers on Thursday night, or it's west to Co. Cork and the city of Cork for something new... I'll see which way the wind is blowing in the morning.
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